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Laurie Brown Workshops on Training the Trainer

Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer

Training from the Back of the Room

train the trainer workshop

Take your training skills to a more advanced level as you discover how the human brain really learns, which is very different from traditional assumptions about learning. Explore the most current "cognitive neuroscience" about effective instruction — how the brain takes in, stores, retrieves and uses knowledge. Discover six powerful learning principles based on the best of brain science, then apply these principles every time you train, teach, or coach others.

Contact Laurie now at (248) 761-7510 for your breakout session or in-house training.

In the two-day program you'll learn more about the most current "cognitive neuroscience" — the brain science behind effective instructional design and human learning.

During the class, you'll get to practice six powerful learning principles based on the best of brain science so you'll be able to apply these principles every time you train, teach, or coach. You'll become familiar with numerous interactive instructional strategies you can use with any topic and any group of learners. And you also receive a 55-page workbook only available with this program, as well as copies of Sharon Bowman's best-selling books, "Training from the BACK of the Room!" and "Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick."

You will also learn the 4Cs, a brain-based, four-step, Accelerated Learning instructional design model now used by hundreds of trainers around the world.

Leave this train-the-trainer event with a trainer's tool bag of practical, brain-based instructional strategies you can put to use immediately in your own training programs.

Learning Outcomes

After participating in this informative and interactive program, you will be able to:

  • Explain and define the most current brain science about human learning — information that is directly applicable to all instruction, whether in the classroom, one-on-one, or computer-based.
  • Apply "The Six Trumps" — six learning principles based on brain science that will significantly enhance learning and retention, regardless of the content being taught.
  • Recognize these six learning principles in action.
  • Use these principles in any learning environment: classroom, e-learning, one-on-one, and small and large group instruction.
  • Combine brain science and technology to enhance learning by using both in creative, collaborative ways.
  • Access new resources that will expand your knowledge of the most current brain science on human learning.
  • Utilize a trainer's tool-bag of practical tips and activities — a collection of best practices — that you'll create during the training program.
  • Use Accelerated Learning to create collaborative, interactive, fun and memorable learning experiences.

Materials Each Participant Will Receive:

  • A copy of Sharon Bowman's best-selling book "Training from the BACK of the Room! 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn." ($45.00 retail)
  • A copy of Sharon Bowman's newest book, "Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick."
  • A copy of a participant workbook "Learn It Fast and Make It Last."
  • A collection of "brain activating tools" — games, prizes, training souvenirs, and learning aids — that can be used in the your own training programs.
  • A certificate of completion for your resume, also suitable for framing.

Laurie Brown facilitates engaging and effective train the trainer programs. Need to do virtual training? Laurie has that covered with the Training from the Back of the Room Virtual Edition Class.

Hire Laurie to lead your Train the Trainer program. Workshops can be delivered in 1/2 day, full day or two day sessions.

Contact Laurie now at (248) 761-7510 for your breakout session or in-house training.

"The feedback from the studios indicates that you 'walk on water'! All four studios were extremely happy with the two-day sessions you conducted. One of the comments was that often we do not get trainers who try to adapt their presentations to the way we do business and, therefore, many times miss the mark. You, however, were right on target!"

Social Security Administration

Training from the Back of the Room certified trainer

Training from the BACK of the Room