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Laurie Brown Customer Experience Workshops and Training

Customer Experience Workshops

In Person & Virtual

Customer Service Excellence

From Good to Great

A woman smiling in an office setting
Your customer has all the power, because, though their expectations may sometimes seem unreasonable, they have the ability to broadcast their experiences—both good and bad—to thousands of people. Companies such as Amazon, Zappos, and Uber have been creating experiences that delight their customers. As a part of the program, you can learn from their success so that you can provide your customers with the kind of experiences that they want, need and expect.

Contact Laurie now at (248) 761-7510 for Customer Service Excellence Training.

This program is ideal for employees and managers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Create a customer service promise
  • Identify the benefits of providing exceptional customer service
  • Identify what todays customers expect, want and need
  • Explain how to build trust and rapport
  • Demonstrate how to listen effectively
  • Distinguish how to be perceived as credible and trustworthy
  • Recognize the importance of a vocal tone that shows you are credible
  • Demonstrate specific ways to communicate rules and regulations
  • Create lasting relationships
  • Describe methods of communicating bad news
  • Demonstrate how to deal with difficult customers
  • Develop ways to go above and beyond
  • Discuss how to make it easy for your customer to navigate through your organization
  • Review how to keep a good attitude on a bad day

We will customize this program or coaching session to address your wants and needs.

Contact Laurie now at (248) 761-7510 for
Customer Service Excellence Training.

"I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you came to be the person that we chose to conduct our staff training, Throughout the years, we've provided professional development opportunities to our caregivers. Your presentation is, by far, the best we have experienced! You utilize all of your strengths in the presentation— your humor, compassion and vision are what make you so successful in what you do! "

The Curious Kids Program

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