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Laurie Brown, author and communications coach

Guides for

Laurie's Guides

Communication Barriers

Master communication, build confidence, and connect deeper: Your journey starts here.

Do communication roadblocks leave you tongue-tied? Feeling lost navigating cultural nuances? Fear of public speaking making you break a sweat? You're not alone. But you don't have to struggle in silence.

Here, you'll find your communication compass. We provide insightful guides to help you:

    • Break down barriers: Discover what hinders your message and learn powerful strategies to overcome them.
    • Bridge cultural divides: Navigate the exciting (and sometimes tricky) world of cross-cultural communication.
    • Handle challenging customers: Turn frowns upside down with effective techniques for dealing with difficult situations.
    • Conquer your fears: Find your voice and captivate your audience, even if public speaking makes your knees knock.

Ready to unlock your communication potential? Explore our guides, practice our tips, and watch your confidence soar. Remember, clear communication is the key to stronger relationships, successful careers, and a more fulfilling life.

Start your journey today!

Communication Skills

Everyone I work with wants and needs to improve their communication skills. In these guides you will learn:

  • How to improve communication skills
  • Learn to communicate effectively
  • Running effective meetings
  • Sharpen Communication skills
  • What are communication skills

Customer Service Skills

Exceptional customer service is no longer optional. These guides will help you improve your customer service:

  • Customer service skills to build loyalty
  • Good customer service tips that help you surpass the competition
  • Improving Customer service positively impacts your bottom line
  • Customer service courses
  • Top Customer service skills employees must master

Presentation Skills

When you need to present your ideas, it is best to be able to manage your nerves, and communicate your message.These guides will help with the following:

  • How to create a powerful PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to keep listener's attention
  • Managing Stage Fright
  • Outstanding presentation skills
  • Presentation skills for executives
  • Technical communication