This course is ideal for anyone who uses email to communicate internally and externally.
We will customize this program or coaching session to address your wants and needs.
Potential Topics of the Workshop
Overview of Change. In this opening section we will examine the emotional course of change and examine the change house. We will then look at tools to help us be more resilient in changing times. "According to Dr. Linda Hoopes and Mark Kelly authors of 'Managing Change with Personal Resilience' they've identified 7 Aspects of Resilient Individuals … basically as they look at people who are resilient when it comes to adapting and thriving in change, they saw seven traits among these individuals. "These seven guidelines help us understand how to best adjust our own attitudes, actions, and behaviors to be the most resilient as we can be. Hoopes and Kelly's 7 Aspects will frame our workshop here today."
Positive View of the World. In this section, we will look at optimism and internal dialogues. We will begin working on a "What went well Journal or Diary of Success" and a resource wheel.
Positive Self-Concept. Those who have a positive self-view tend to see themselves as a valuable, capable person feel equipped to deal with whatever comes their way and not feel victimized by circumstance See actions as influencing others We will do an activity where we examine a section of your life and how you handled adversity.
Focused Sense of Purpose. At this point in the program, we examine how clarity of purpose helps deal with change that can be very disruptive. We will give tools to help build the ability to improve short and long-term focus.
Flexible Thinking. Those who have flexible thinking: Enjoy new or complex ideas Tolerate ambiguity well Open to different perspectives Generate creative solutions for adapting to change
Social Flexibility. Let's shift to Hoopes and Kelly's 5th Aspect of Resilience: Social flexibility … or being able to get outside ourselves and draw on the resources of others. They know their own strengths and weaknesses – like what we explored earlier – but know where to go when they have a 'gap' in resources."
Dealing with Ambiguity. Hoopes and Kelly note that truly resilient people know how to handle ambiguity in their life effectively. They can transform the confusion of ambiguous situations by applying structured approaches.
Proactive Experimentation. Hoopes and Kelly note that "… effective strategies adapting to change are only useful if they are applied when the time is ripe. As circumstances change, windows of opportunity open and close swiftly. The person who waits for complete certainty before taking action loses the chance to take advantage of favorable conditions.