Essential Soft Skills for IT Professionals: A Guide to Success
Technical expertise got you into IT, but soft skills will define your success.
As Satya Nadella demonstrated at Microsoft, transforming a technically focused culture into a growth mindset required…
Why is Time Management important in the workplace?
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people accomplish so much more. The secret weapon? Time management. It's not about squeezing more tasks into your day but strategically allocating t…
Speak Clearly and Concisely with the SPADE Method
Have you ever felt frustrated in a meeting listening to someone ramble endlessly without making a clear point and/or been that person yourself struggling to communicate your ideas effectively? Meet…
The "Curse of Knowledge"
He was the smartest boss I ever had. As a matter of fact, he was brilliant. And for the most part, he was a great communicator. But he suffered from something called the "Curse of Knowledge."
As s…
Stop Giving Feedback Sandwiches
Let's look at why you need to stop giving feedback sandwiches.
Feedback sandwiches, also known as the "compliment sandwich," are a popular method for delivering feedback in the workplace. The idea…
Communicating Effectively in a Matrixed Organization
Being able to communicate effectively is essential in any organization. It is even more so in a matrixed organization.
Matrix organizations are organizations in which individuals report to multipl…
Top Ten Tips to Become a Better Listener
Being a good listener is important for several reasons. When we listen actively and attentively to others, we show that we value their thoughts and ideas. This can help to build trust and strengthe…
Successful Communication: Dominant Personalities
Successful Communication: Dominant Personalities
"What are the numbers on this?"
"We need this ASAP."
"This has to be sent to the client straight away, they are waiting on it, can you do that f…
How to give your team feedback so they actually listen (Yes, it is possible.)
How to give your team feedback.
We've all had those days when we need to talk to our people about missed deadlines, budgets, or quality—but aren't sure where to start.
Because nobody wants feedb…
How to start a meeting
Have you ever been halfway through a meeting and thought to yourself, "What is this meeting about and why am I here?" If so, you are not alone. Too many of us rush from meeting to meeting withou…