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Presentation Skills Training in Michigan

In your business interactions, and in life in general, you need to convey your message successfully by making your presentations dynamic and highly-effective. Are you depending on PowerPoint as a crutch? Do you present the same material regardless of who the group is? Would you like to up your presentation skills to a much higher level? Do you find yourself nervous when asked to present? Are you having to deliver presentations virtually? Hiring Laurie to deliver presentation skills training in Michigan can make a huge difference.

Learning to give great presentations can make your life easier and make you more effective in your position. It is especially difficult when you can not present in person. 

These trainings are ideal for anyone who needs to make both formal or informal presentations whether in person or virtually.

Hire Laurie for Presentations Skills Training in Michigan including PowerPoint tips that deliver results. Her programs are packed with proven techniques that will make a tremendous difference for your business.

Here is what one of her participants said about the training:

"I just completed Laurie's course on virtual meetings & presentations. I thought I knew a little about this topic, but Laurie really takes it to the next level! If you get a chance to take her course, jump at it! Highly recommended." L. Layton Blackberry/QNX

Laurie is available for presentation skills training throughout Michigan, including trainings specific to your locations in Detroit, Troy, Ann Arbor, Sterling Heights, Auburn Hills, Lansing, Kalamazoo and more.

Contact Laurie Now at (248) 761-7510 for Presentation Skills Trainings that Build Your Bottom line.

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