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How to Improve Presentation Skills to Keep Listeners' Attention

Ready to grab your audience's attention and keep them engaged to convey your message? Work with Laurie to learn how to improve presentation skills. In the business world, you need to deliver a dynamic, high-impact presentation to successfully communicate. Discover proven methods to connect with and engage your audience.

4 Reasons Presentations Fail

People sometimes get into bad habits or haven't learned the proper way to use important communication tools. For example:

  • Do you use PowerPoint as a crutch?
  • Do you give the same speech without any modifications no matter who is in your audience?
  • Do you catch your audience nodding off or glazing over?
  • Do you engage with your audience and get them to participate?

If you're ready to learn how to improve your presentation skills to get to the next level, Laurie's Presentation Skills Programs will help you:

  • Minimize nervousness while presenting
  • Improve your dynamic vocal quality
  • Use body language and gestures for greater impact
  • Engage your audience and keep them interested
  • Create a dynamic presentation
  • Use visuals and PowerPoint effectively
  • Tell stories for business
  • Handle questions
  • Deal with a difficult audience
  • Present to different audiences

3 Dynamic Programs for How to Improve Presentation Skills

1. Presentation Skills: Are They Snoring in the Back Row?
Learn how to improve presentation skills and create a compelling program that people can't help but listen to and respond.

2. Technical Presentation Skills: From Knowledge to Impact
In a technical position such as scientist, engineer, or medical professional, you need to present complex information in an engaging way, so no matter who is in the audience, they understand your material. You'll look smart and the audience will feel smart too.

3. Executive Presentation Skills: Speak to Lead
As an executive you must build rapport with listeners and persuade them to take action. Learn to speak with confidence to lead your team.

 "Laurie took what could be a very daunting task—improving on presentation and training skills—and made it very accessible. Her interactive and comprehensive approach was so useful and impactful, that I wish we could have her come every month! "
—STEPHANIE HAINLEY, Chief Operating Officer, White and Burke

Laurie Brown Delivers Content-Rich Programs on How to Improve Presentation Skills

Hire Laurie for presentations skills training with PowerPoint tips that deliver results. Her programs are packed with proven techniques and will make a tremendous difference for your company.

Contact Laurie now at (248) 761-7510 for your breakout session or in-house training.

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